July 7, 2020
Why trust your family's smiles with an Orthodontist?
Did you know the Canadian Association of Orthodontists recommends that all children have an early orthodontic evaluation by age seven?
Having an early consultation with a docbraces Orthodontist can help your child avoid more complex and expensive treatments later in life, and in some cases, can eliminate the need for braces altogether.
Your docbraces team always has your child’s best interests at heart. If your child is not considered to be at the appropriate stage in their development to begin treatment, they will be placed into the docbraces “later gator” program. As a “later gator,” your child’s development will be monitored through regularly scheduled visits until it is determined that they are ready to begin treatment.
So, why bring them in for a consultation so young?
A healthy, beautiful smile can ensure your child’s long-term dental and overall health, while improving their self-image and increasing their confidence.
What would that first appointment look like?
We get it. Not everyone loves the idea of coming to the Orthodontist. But we promise that your first visit with docbraces will be very exciting!
When you and your child come for your first visit, you will be greeted by one of our warm and friendly team members. Getting to know our space is important for your child to feel comfortable, and our team members are always available to answer any questions you or your child might have. During your consultation with our Orthodontist, digital x-rays and pictures will be taken of your child’s teeth and jaws, followed by a detailed examination. The Orthodontist will use the digital x-rays along with his or her visual exam findings to develop a treatment plan tailored to your child’s needs.
Once a treatment plan is decided upon, the docbraces team will answer any questions that you may have and review financing options to find a solution that fits your budget. Once all of the details are finalized, treatment can begin – even on the same day – and your child will be on their way to having a happy, healthy smile.
By arranging an early consultation with the specialists at docbraces, your child will be able to:
1) Correct harmful oral habits like thumb-sucking
2) Prevent further wear or injury to teeth and jaw joints by moving the teeth and jaws to their optimal positions
3) Possibly prevent the need for braces and even oral surgery through early intervention in detrimental bite or alignment patterns
4) Increase the impact of final treatment results and their stability
5) Improve the ease of breathing
6) Discourage speech impediments
We'd love to meet you and your child!