Docbraces | Orthodontists in Moncton: Tips for Your First Visit
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Blog Docbraces

May 23, 2014

Orthodontists in Moncton: Tips for Your First Visit

If your smile isn’t the one you dream of having there are some discreet, comfortable, convenient options to consider to correct any issues you might be having. Just make sure that the advice you get is the best available.Although dentists and orthodontists both care about our oral health when it comes to straightening your teeth, the orthodontists are the experts and have years of special training to address common issues with bite, spacing and tooth alignment. If there’s anything that you’d like to address, simply book your free consultation and we’ll assess your issues and put together your treatment plan. Your dentist generally recommends that you see an orthodontist for the difficulties that you might be facing, but you certainly don’t need a referral to see us at Docbraces.

Invisalign: Is it for me?

One option that you might want to consider is Invisalign, which is the nearly invisible system consisting of clear, removable trays that straighten your teeth with minimal pain and disruption to your life. We’re pleased to be able to say that Docbraces is part of a small group of Elite Invisalign providers in Moncton. This means we are in the top 5% of Invisalign providers and have been working with the Invisalign product for a long time, treating over 300 patients with this system alone. It is the highest level of achievement available to those who administer the Invisalign system.A lifelong resident of New Brunswick, Dr. John McManaman at Docbraces Moncton knows the benefits of a second opinion. He has treated numerous patients who had been previously told the Invisalign system was not an option for them. After seeing our Docbraces Moncton team for a second opinion they discovered they were perfect candidates for Invisalign and now have the smile they’ve always wanted.

The Docbraces Moncton Difference

One advantage of visiting our orthodontists is that because of our experience with Invisalign, we can treat moderate to complex cases for specific types of bite issues, whereas most orthodontist can only treat mild issues. Plus, it doesn’t cost anything to have a consultation at Docbraces Moncton, and you can call yourself – no need for your dentist to arrange it for you.The Moncton Docbraces office feature an open-concept clinic with the latest in orthodontic technology as well as a spacious reception area that includes an internet station, video arcade, and a complimentary beverage centre for patients and parents to enjoy. You can stay relaxed and stress free before your appointment!At Docbraces Moncton you are guaranteed to get an expertly trained, Invisalign-experienced orthodontist in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. Call to book a free consultation and see for yourself what we mean!

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